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Tag: ac128

The Rangemaster treble booster

The legendary Rangemaster effect. At the time, that is the end of the ’60s, the amplifiers are not prepared to distortion. I prefer to have a nice voice, faithfully reproduce the sound of the guitar.

Of course, it was possible to overdrive when the guitar was full volume. If an external device, the sound midrange has been highlighted, they were given a musically useful sounds. At that same time, more “mid boost” existed. Among the most famous of all, to this day the “Dallas Rangemaster”.  This is a very simple circuit using germanium transistor. The original device uses a OC44 transistor.

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Hybrid Germanium Fuzz

You know the fuzz sound, but something is missing from it? Well, if something new or slightly different experience, these circuits can produce an alternative sound. This Hybrid Germanium Fuzz. Why Hybrid? It is combined with the old and new types of transistors. As the old germanium (AC128) in the current one (2N3904) are made of silicon. So meet old and new technologies. The whole circuit is based on the old familiar fuzz circuit. These do not have to change much. But what if before the fuzz, coupled with a preamplifier? For example:

Hybrid Germanium fuzz basic circuit. Use NOS germanium transistors.
Basic circuit

So, a pretty extreme sounds, or get extra distortion. Practically four parts and stronger, rougher sound is obtained. This small preamp, an existing Fuzz pedal built into it, such as tuning or mod. The options are:

Noise: Eliminate the high frequencies, less wheezing sound.
Volume: Output level
Fuzz: The amount of distortion
Compression: Stronger or softer fuzz effect
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