Well, again, we present a very simple circuit. As is also shown in the drawing, few parts. The circuit is based on a dual operational amplifier RC4558. But this is only half used, so there is only one using the op amp. Alternatively, you create an active tone control in the second operational amplifier section.
You need a new and simple Distortion effect? Really Simple? Look at this circuit:
The simple distortion efect circuit.
Not too demanding parts. But the voice .. hmm. Indeed, only a few spare parts required. The circuit is the “soul” of the tl072 chip. It is built around the circuit. And, of course, add garnish. Well, actually distort the character of the D1 – D4 diodes is given. In this case, two 1N4148 and two 1n914 diode. cut the signal. This results in a symmetrical but powerful cut. or maybe the solution according to their own ideas, but you can choose a sound character. even the parts is not too critical. I recommend them to feel free to experiment. Perhaps trying a different opamp is that it leads to what sound will surely hear some variation. the completed circuit can also change your tone of options. Examples: tone controls
The simple Muff Booster. This is a very simple circuit distorting project. Surely many people familiar with the legendary Electro Harminix from Big Muff guitar pedal. Many famous guitarists among almost as standard tools. this circuit, only a part of the original. One distortion segment. The electronic parts type of not sensitive, feel free to experiment with different types transistors and diodes, so a little bit different sound can be produced.
The diodes and transistor should be placed in a socket to be easily and quickly replaced. We tried out the following components: 2N2222, 2N5088, 2N3904, 2N2222, BC108 transistors and 1N914, 1N4148, red LED, 1N34 germanium diodes. The diodes to number want change , symmetrical, asymmetrical way to connect.
Real tube guitar distortion effects. unusual solution works of 2n7000 mosfet transistor. After the transistor is like the valve amplifier, it is very nice and pleasant natural sound of this effect provides a true analog distortion, no digital, no modeling!
We built according to the MXR Distortion Plus in the original circuit diagrams; small changes done on it: it is now silicon germanium diode to the original position. This is how such a voice:
Very harsh metallic sound, who really loves to rock and brutal sound you’re after then this is the right solution.Here is the original MXR Distortion Plus is heard in the germanium diode:
The recordings quickly assemble a circuit made of non-studio quality, we wanted to show difference.