This is a fairly simple guitar overdrive circuit. A simple 2N5088 transistor as preamplifier and an LM741 opamp.

H&G Amplification is an manufactory that designs and manufactures music amplifiers, speaker cabinets and boutique guitar effect pedals.
This is a fairly simple guitar overdrive circuit. A simple 2N5088 transistor as preamplifier and an LM741 opamp.
LM386 overdrive: easy, cheap, and fast to make. This is known and popular audio amplifier circuit with a fairly simple but good sounding overdrive guitar effect. Neither the operation of the complex.
BS170 mosfet guitar signal to the already worsened. the R8 potentiometer regulates the amount of signal to the 386. If you have more than that the chip can handle, then the signal will be distorted. That is, the “overdrive“. So it is quite dry and rough sound. And of course it’s good for us. Listen to:
14 CommentsWe like to test the effects of different circuits, in addition to its own development. So we found a simple, few parts built in guitar Overdrive circuit. The first stage is a 2N7000 or BS170 MOSFET, J201 JFET the second circuit. The J201 Drain voltage is 4.5V. The R9 potentiometer to adjust. Variations may be a little higher voltage softer, low voltage rought the voice.
Some portions of the circuit is different from the original. Example C1, C2, C3 capacitor value. But that does not noticeably affect the sound.
For more information, please visit the original site:
Leave a CommentA lot of effects pedals has been prepared, including the famous Tube Screamer to mimic the old natural distortion of a tube amplifier. These pedals operate a semiconductor basis, more – less successfully mimic this sound. I did this and I use it with great joy:
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